About ANRA

Akshaya Nagar is a very serene place comprising of _ cents of land situated on the eastern banks of karamana river.Ideal for community living.The nagar was formedin early 1990.The nagar consists of 35 plots of 5 or 6 cents each anf an openspace of land for the common amenities of the residents.The first meeting of the plot owners was held during the early days of 1990.It is worth mentioning that all the plot owners had attended the meeting and assured their whole hearted coperation in bringing common amenities like road, electricity, and. water etc.The name Akshaya was suggested by Natarajans fathers who happens to be eldest member of the gathering.Akshaya means never deplete always sufficient.The meeting elected Shri Sairam Ramaiyer as the president and Shri Sathyavageeswaran as secretary.Shri G Padmanabhan as treasurer.All the residents coperated very well in bringing electricity water and road in no time.Even though ANRA was formed in 1990 formal registraion j was done in 1992.Shri Krishnan Nair,KRSIyer,Jayachandran Nair and many others havevplayed a vital role in bringing ANRA to this present level.The warmth love and affection shown by residents make this a different one from other colonies

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